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Hurrah, 10k robots!

What a weird post header, you must be thinking. Well, it feels like I should do a cheery post for hitting the 10,000 views! Yoohoo! I would in fact be ridiculously happy about this (I secretly am!) if it wasn't for the Beef to keep saying these are all robots. You know, those weird websites like vampirestat that apparently contribute largely for your blog's page views so they can have some too - still think this is the stupidest job ever, sorry if any of you is part of it. But seriously, someone's here trying to have a cool blog with loads of people coming in and getting automatically blind with all the pinkness but still coming back for some reason... And I can't find out if they are true human beings or just a bunch of robots. The Beef says they're ALL robots. All of you! What a lack of faith. Anyway, since I do believe some of you are, in fact, real (ok at least my Mum, my best friends and the Beef...) - thank you lots for reading me, laughing at me, commenting me, inspire me and... making me want to fall over in bathrooms more just so I have something funny to post about. YOU ROCK.

Now my 2014 Blog Resolution is to make the pink platform bigger, better and broader. 3 B's. So please do share & suggest - new ideas, posts, subjects, looks, everything! - to help me making this happen! New email address to follow in the Me, Me, Me page so you can bombard me with messages of all sorts (except insults, I get quite sensitive!). 

<3 M

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